What are the roles and of a TESOL teacher?发表时间:2022-04-04 09:00 TESOLTeachers are for teaching and guiding, right? But their roles and responsibilities do not end there only. Besides supplying learners with new information and knowledge, the act of teaching is quite a complex mode of work.TESOL Teaching is mostly based upon interaction among the students and the TESOL teacher. This interaction may go on for hours and on a daily basis. Thus new relationships and opinions are formed. How does a TESOL teacher play the role of a mentor? This role is played by a teacher particularly with children in their formative years. The little children attending primary or pre-primary classes always observe the teacher with rapt attention. The approach and behaviour as showcased by the TESOL teacher is readily grabbed by them.Young students also confide in their teachers and very often turn to them for advice on various issues. They yearn for guidance from them. Thus the teachers become mentors.Besides students, mentorship also exists between senior and junior teachers. Handson experience can be handed down to the juniors along with practical experiences. Thus the role of mentor is performed. What is the role of a teacher as mediator? TESOLTeachers often perform the role of mediator especially as the students grow confidence in them. Flow of information from student to the parent is often carried out by teachers. The opposite may happen too.Even in class when a fall out between two or more students occurs, the teachers solve the issue skilfully and help the students do away with conflicts. Thus, the role of mediator enables a teacher understand the point of view of the learners and help them overcome issues. How does a TESOL teacher inspire others? Inspiration and motivation are two essential and inseparable parts of teaching. The TESOL learners spend a considerable span of time in the classroom with the teachers and take in the learning environment. This influences the learners to a great extent.TESOL students find the teachers synonymous with authority and full of information. Thus they look up to theirTESOLteachers as a source of motivation and strong inspiration. If teachers encourage the students on their achievements, they find it motivating and it inspires them to go a long way. How does a TESOL teacher play the role of collaborator? A teacher is always a good team player. Each of them has to work in collaboration with other teaching and nonteaching staffs. This calls for patience and skill.Also, teachers can bring about changes in the society too by their roleplay of collaborator. People look up to teachers as well-respected authority and thus give importance to their opinions. The collaborator role of teachers is also important in case of designing learning programmes and policies. Here theTESOLteachers have to collaborate with the government and the parents.Similarly, through collaboration, the school curriculums are also designed by the teachers of various schools. Thus the whole TESOL learning method is shaped by the teachers as collaborators. This way the future of the learners is also shaped. How does a TESOL teacher become a role model? After parents, a TESOL teacher is the most common role model of a child. To students, teachers are the epitome of knowledge, information and wisdom. Kindness and respectability are two more traits that students associate with their teachers.TESOL Students often thrive to build their personality based upon that of their teachers whom they find themselves close to and they admire. Kind and empathetic behaviour, if showcased towards students, are always received positively. Thus, when teachers showcase the same trait, they become the role models of the learners. What are the other roles a teacher plays? Apart from the abovementioned, there are more roles and responsibilities of a teacher. Irrespective of the class the teachers teach, they will always have to perform these in order to ensure student participation. These roles are pointed below. A teacher has to be resourceful so that they can clear the doubts that arise in the student minds.To be a learner is also a responsibility of a teacher so that he/she can incorporate new teaching techniques.Teachers should be a proactive participant in the lesson plan instead of being only instructors. ATESOLteacher should be an orator so that effective and active communication can continue. This way no fault in flow of information occurs. And to be a good speaker the teacher has to be an apt listener too.Organising and innovative thinking are two more responsibilities ofTESOLteachers.In today’s times it is important for a teacher to be a wholesome educator. They should focus on improving the learning experience of a student. It is the duty of teachers to shape the future generation in the most perfect way possible. For more free English teaching methods, please contact us TESOL China official website: www.tefltesol.com com. cn TEFL China official website: www.teflinchina.com com Learn more about the course and the latest information TESOL customer service wechat: 13261910737 headquarters Tel: 010-68666616 Corporate email: hi@TESOLinchina.com Student service email:info@tesolinchina.com |