5 key questions and answers of TESOL program

发表时间:2022-04-03 09:00作者:TESOL in China

While you possess a TESOL diploma, you have to teach the language to speakers of native language. For this purpose you need to trot the globe and settle in such countries where English is not the mother tongue. Various teacher training institutes offer online or offline classes to which you can enroll.But while choosing the teacher training TESOL course, several questions my loud your mind. In this article, we choose six such frequently asked questions and answer them to clear the doubts in your mind. Scroll down to know more.

1.What are the criteria for enrolling into a TESOL programme?

To enrol into a TESOL diploma or TESOL advanced diploma degree course, you do not need any special educational qualification or have to be a degree holder in specific subject. You can be a graduate from any stream and avail the course.

For landing a job as a TESOL trainer you need to speak the language English well enough and must possess a certificate in TESOL course. In fact, you do not have to have any prior experiences either to get admission to such a course.English may or may not be your native language. Nevertheless, you can join a course of your choice and polish your skills of speaking and teaching.

2.Do I need to know foreign language?

Not necessarily. To be a successful TESOL trainer you need to have knowledge in English language only and be master in TESOL. But if you can speak the language of the learners of your class, that will be an added advantage as the communication will be easier. But in that case, whether or not you have fluency in the foreign language, is not that much

relevant.As a TESOL trainer you are supposed to impart knowledge on reading, writing and speaking English and English grammar. Thus knowing foreign language is not mandatory. But if you are placed in a nativespeaking country, knowing their language will help you mix with the culture and understand the demands easily.


3.Are TEFL and TESOL same?

As for meaning and application, yes these two terms are same. TESOL is the abbreviation of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. TESOL is the abbreviation of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.Both consist of similar learning materials and course curriculums. The term TESOL is more frequently used in the United Kingdom while TESOL finds frequent use in the USA. However, both these terms are also used interchangeably.

4.What are the career options with TESOL?

When you have a TESOL PG degree, you can make a real career out of TESOL if you wish so. TESOL gives you the scope to earn a handsome amount while exploring various parts of the world and developing your career at the same time.

With TESOL you can land permanent or long-term jobs. From being a TESOL teacher to obtaining administrative positions in the academic institutions, you can achieve all with TESOL degree. Director of Studies is another designation that you can avail after obtaining the degree in TESOL.

If you are interested in writing, you can also be involved in writing and developing materials for the teacher training process. The more advanced degrees you possess, like diploma or PG, the more senior positions you are going to get access to.

5.What are the age criteria for TESOL?

This is a tricky question to answer. Age limit is dependent on the country of your work, their culture, choice or the criteria set by the different employers. Keep in mind that your students are not always schoolgoing children; employees of multinational companies can also be the learners.

Depending upon the age group of students or learners, the age limit might vary. Some employers might want mature and experienced teachers while some other might want to invest in the dynamic nature of youth and prefer fresh and young candidates for recruitment.

To be very honest, there is no age limit to get admission into an online TEFL course or offline. But to get placed below the age of 21 and above 50 becomes difficult as some places have retirement policies implemented at 60-65 years.

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